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  • Thinking of Buying a Company? Strategic Drafting of No-Shop Provisions in M&A Contracts for Small Business Owners Photo
    Thinking of Buying a Company? Strategic Drafting of No-Shop Provisions in M&A Contracts for Small Business Owners
    Glennon Law Firm, P.C. ·
    For small business owners exploring the acquisition of another company, understanding how to effectively incorporate no-shop or exclusivity provisions into merger or acquisition contracts is essential. These provisions play a critical role in securing the integrity of the deal, particularly if litigation arises when the deal fails to close. This blog post delves into the strategic considerations for drafting such provisions, emphasizing their duration, scope, choice of law, and remedies to better prepare business owners for potential legal disputes.
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  • A Guide to Judgment Enforcement for Professionals, Executives, and Small Business Owners Photo
    A Guide to Judgment Enforcement for Professionals, Executives, and Small Business Owners
    Glennon Law Firm, P.C. ·
    Navigating the complex waters of judgment enforcement is crucial for professionals, executives, and small business owners. Understanding the strategic considerations and enforcement tools at the onset of any dispute can significantly impact the ability to collect monetary awards successfully. This article delves into the essentials of judgment enforcement, outlining what every business leader should know to prepare effectively and utilize the available tools to ensure they receive what they are owed.
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  • Preliminary Injunctions and Business Asset Sale-Based Non-Compete Agreements: A Comprehensive Guide Photo
    Preliminary Injunctions and Business Asset Sale-Based Non-Compete Agreements: A Comprehensive Guide
    Glennon Law Firm, P.C. ·
    When businesses engage in asset purchase transactions, they often incorporate non-compete agreements to safeguard the buyer’s investment. These agreements prevent sellers from engaging in competitive activities that could undermine the value of the purchased assets.
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  • Preliminary Injunctions and Employment-based Non-Compete Agreements Photo
    Preliminary Injunctions and Employment-based Non-Compete Agreements
    Glennon Law Firm, P.C. ·
    In the arena of employment law, the use of non-compete agreements presents a unique set of challenges and considerations, particularly when disputes escalate to the need for preliminary injunctions. This post explores the nature of preliminary injunctions within the context of employment-based non-compete agreements, offering insights into the legal standards and considerations that courts, former employers, employees, and new employers must navigate.
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